Sitting for long periods causing shoulder, neck, and back pain? Come and relax your stiff muscles! 3 stretching exercises to relieve shoulder, neck, and back stiffness - a simple guide.

Whether it's work or studying, spending hours sitting in front of a computer every day often leads to shoulder and neck soreness, as well as stiffness in the lower back, ultimately contributing to a hunched posture. Nowadays, the most common occupational injuries among office workers and students, apart from vision problems, are probably stiff shoulders and necks, and back pain. Tonight, let's put down our phones and computers and do some stretching exercises together to relieve the muscles in our shoulders, necks, and backs and improve stiffness issues!

3 stretching exercises to rescue stiff and sore shoulders, neck, and back muscles.

Whether it's work or studying, spending hours sitting in front of a computer every day often leads to shoulder and neck soreness, as well as stiffness in the lower back, ultimately contributing to a hunched posture. Nowadays, the most common occupational injuries among office workers and students, apart from vision problems, are probably stiff shoulders and necks, and back pain. Tonight, let's put down our phones and computers and do some stretching exercises together to relieve the muscles in our shoulders, necks, and backs and improve stiffness issues!

Neck Stretch

1.Sit up straight: Align your spine, gaze straight ahead, and relax your shoulders.
2.Slowly turn your head to the right until your chin is aligned with your shoulder.
3. 3.Gently press your chin down (you can use your right hand for light assistance) and take five deep breaths.
4.Afterward, return your head to the center and lift it upwards and to the right (look towards the upper right corner), lightly resting your right hand on your collarbone while your left hand can support your chin.
5.Lift slightly upwards. Repeat this movement five times while taking deep breaths.
6.Switch to the left side, following the same movements as the right side. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Neck Stretch for Relaxation

Neck Stretch for Relaxation
Relieving tension in the neck can help alleviate headaches caused by neck stiffness.

This set of exercises is effective for addressing neck stiffness issues commonly experienced by individuals who frequently look down or sit for extended periods. By incorporating deep breaths during the exercises, the relaxation effects can be enhanced. Remember to practice slow breathing throughout!

Cobra Stretch

Perform this exercise on a yoga mat or a moderately soft floor. Avoid doing this on a bed.
1.Start by lying face down on the yoga mat.
2.Place your feet hip-width apart, and let your ankles relax.
3.Position your hands next to your chest, close to the sides of your body, and press them firmly against the floor.
4.Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed and lowered, and keep your torso straight. Slowly raise your upper body by pressing your hands against the floor (stop when your arms are slightly bent).
5.Relax your head and shoulders (tilt your head slightly backward) and take five deep breaths. Repeat this sequence 3-5 times.

Cobra Stretch
Neck relaxation helps improve headaches caused by neck stiffness.

Prolonged sitting often leads to a hunched posture, and practicing the Cobra Stretch can help open up the chest and bring the shoulders back to their proper position, addressing issues such as hunching and shoulder and neck stiffness. It helps to release and relax the tight muscles.

Downward Dog Stretch

1.Start in a kneeling position with your hands and knees on the ground, shoulder-width apart.
2.Slowly straighten your legs, but make sure not to lock your knees. Relax your neck and gaze between your feet.
3.Important note: Keep your shoulders stable and engage your core.
4.Take slow deep breaths and exhale five times. Repeat this sequence 3-5 times.

Downward Dog Stretch
The Downward Dog Stretch can help improve hunching and shoulder and neck stiffness.

An alternative simplified version of the Downward Dog Stretch:

If you find the Downward Dog Stretch too challenging, you can use a chair for assistance.
Note: Choose a stable chair that does not roll or easily tip over.
1.Place your hands on the chair, shoulder-width apart, with your feet also shoulder-width apart.
2.Gently lower your body while keeping your eyes on the floor.
3.Take five deep breaths and exhale. Repeat this sequence 3-5 times.

Try these three simple exercises to relax your shoulders, neck, and back before bedtime tonight! Stiffness in the shoulders, neck, and back can easily lead to headaches and affect the quality of sleep, so it should not be overlooked. If you enjoy stretching exercises, there are also many online resources available to help alleviate discomfort from prolonged sitting and fatigue.

Magnetic Fitness Phone Mount for easy stretching while watching tutorials

When you need to exercise while watching tutorial videos, having a phone stand can make it much easier. Bone has thought of that! Magnetic Fitness Phone Mount helps you effortlessly watch videos and learn exercises!

Double-sided magnetic. Attach your smartphone with MagSafe to the magnetic surface of gym equipment.
Flexible, quick disassemble strap. Attach your smartphone with MagSafe to a 22mm~65mm diameter straight tube.
Comes with a 3M adhesive magnetising sheet and protective film.Even if your phone does not have Magsafe technology, you can still use it.

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