Comparing Running: Is Running on a Treadmill Easier? Which is Better, Outdoor Running or Treadmill Running?

Running outdoors and on a treadmill each has its dedicated enthusiasts. Some people love the freedom of outdoor running, while others prefer the controlled environment of treadmill running. But do you know which type of running is more efficient? Which one burns more calories? Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor running and treadmill running, and understand how each can benefit us.

Running: Outdoors or on a Treadmill?

Running outdoors and on a treadmill each has its dedicated enthusiasts. Some people love the freedom of outdoor running, while others prefer the controlled environment of treadmill running. But do you know which type of running is more efficient? Which one burns more calories? Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor running and treadmill running, and understand how each can benefit us.

Let's Compare Running!

Helping everyone find the most suitable way to train for running


If you've tried both outdoor running and treadmill running, you may have wondered, "Why does running on a treadmill feel easier?" Is it an illusion? Indeed, running on a treadmill can feel relatively effortless. The same distance and intensity seem easier to achieve on a treadmill than when running outdoors, where the effort required feels particularly taxing, demanding more strength and time to complete the same training distance.

Outdoor Running vs. Treadmill Running: Which is More Tiring?

Answer: Outdoor Running.

In general, outdoor running involves using the force of your foot push and the ground's reaction force to move forward, requiring muscle strength and coordinated energy to maintain forward momentum. On the other hand, treadmill running simulates ground movement by continuously rolling a motorized conveyor belt backward. With each step on the treadmill, the belt continues to roll backward, making each step relatively easier compared to running outdoors. This is one of the reasons why running on a treadmill often feels less strenuous. Outdoor running relies on your own effort and is more tiring, while treadmill running involves assistance from the machine, making it feel easier.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: shironosov (Getty Images Pro)
Image Source: Canva Photographer: shironosov (Getty Images Pro)

Outdoor Running vs. Treadmill Running: Which Burns More Calories?

Answer: Outdoor Running.

Environmental variables can significantly impact the effectiveness of running. Outdoor running involves facing more environmental factors, with each session presenting different challenges. Even minor factors can affect the intensity and quality of running training. Outdoor running requires overcoming environmental factors like wind resistance, temperature, and humidity. Additionally, facing challenges from different terrains can make the body expend more energy.

So, when running at the same intensity, outdoor running has the advantage of burning more calories and providing higher training intensity. Some studies even suggest that outdoor running may burn about 5-10% more calories than treadmill running, but the actual difference may vary due to individual factors.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: jacoblund
Image Source: Canva Photographer: jacoblund

Outdoor Running vs. Treadmill Running: Which is More Prone to Injury?

Answer: Both.

In outdoor running, injuries often occur during the moment of impact when both feet land after the push-off (impact of ground reaction force). The impact level is influenced by various factors, including terrain, surface hardness, and shoe selection. Generally, running on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt may result in higher impact, while softer surfaces like PU tracks, grass, or dirt offer lower impact.


A study in the "Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy" indicates that the peak impact of outdoor running is usually higher, ranging from 1.5 to 3.0 times the runner's body weight. The actual peak value depends on the hardness of the terrain and the runner's gait. Running on a hard surface, such as concrete, can result in greater impact on the knees and joints.

Treadmill running may seem to have lower peak impact, leading one to believe it is safer. However, there is a risk of injury associated with the motorized conveyor belt, especially during long-distance or high-intensity training. In these situations, fatigue may set in, causing the body and stride to unintentionally slow down. If the treadmill's speed is not immediately adjusted to match the slowdown, the runner may be pulled by the belt, leading to falls or injuries. In some cases, these injuries may be more severe than those sustained during outdoor running.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: marinesea (Getty Images)
Image Source: Canva Photographer: marinesea (Getty Images)

Whether running outdoors or on a treadmill, the risk of sports injuries is possible, and it is not necessarily related to outdoor or treadmill running alone. The main factors influencing the risk of injury include physical fitness, running technique, environment, behavior, and other related factors, rather than being solely associated with a specific type of running.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: gilaxia (Getty Images Signature)
Image Source: Canva Photographer: gilaxia (Getty Images Signature)

The higher peak impact of outdoor running doesn't necessarily mean it's more prone to injury. Wearing appropriate shoes can reduce the impact of outdoor running. Nowadays, running shoes incorporate advanced technologies with shock-absorbing materials, providing cushioning and stability to the feet, reducing the probability of lower limb injuries. Therefore, choosing the right running shoes is crucial for minimizing the risk of exercise-related injuries.

When running on a treadmill, the peak impact during each foot contact with the ground is generally lower, ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 times the body weight of a lighter runner. This is because most treadmills have shock-absorbing structures in their designs. Some treadmills even have cushioning layers on the conveyor belt, offering a certain level of buffering effect that can reduce the impact on the knees and joints.

Outdoor Running vs. Treadmill Running

Which One is Better? A Comprehensive Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages!

Outdoor Running: Advantages

1. Diverse Terrain Options: Varied terrain makes runs more interesting, and you can enjoy scenic views along the way.

2. Better Sensory Experience: Besides visual experiences, you engage touch (feeling the wind), smell (fragrance of flowers and plants), and hearing (morning sounds of insects and birds).

3. Activates Multiple Muscle Groups: Outdoor running involves diverse road conditions, engaging various small muscle groups and enhancing agility and coordination.

4. Boosts Immune System: Exercising outdoors, especially in sunlight, promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, aiding in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for maintaining bone health. This is beneficial for the immune system and overall health.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: immagini-di-pierluigi-palazzi
Image Source: Canva Photographer: immagini-di-pierluigi-palazzi

Outdoor Running: Disadvantages

1. Weather Restrictions: Taiwan has a humid and rainy climate, and outdoor running is affected by wind resistance, temperature, and humidity, which can disrupt training quality and mood.

2. Environmental Influences: Terrain outside of the track is generally unstable, and attention must be paid to whether the terrain increases the risk of injury. Consideration is also needed for supply issues during outdoor long-distance practices outside the track.

3. Poor Time Utilization: Suitable environments for running are not always close by. Sometimes, a significant commuting distance is required to reach the training location. Non-track outdoor locations are less convenient to return to the starting point, leading to less efficient time utilization.

4. High Safety Risks: Outdoor running involves higher risks, such as traffic safety concerns when running along roadsides or potential crime issues in dimly lit and less populated areas like parks or riverside paths. Careful consideration of the location's safety is necessary, prioritizing safety in training.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: funky-data (Getty Images Signature)
Image Source: Canva Photographer: funky-data (Getty Images Signature)

Treadmill Running: Advantages

1. Efficient Time Utilization: You can choose a gym close to you, and treadmill training can be started and finished at any time, providing better control over your schedule.

2. Safe Training Space: Running on a treadmill in the gym provides a secure training space, especially for women running at night. It is not affected by weather conditions, ensuring uninterrupted running even on rainy days.

3. Stability in Running: Indoor running reduces the impact of outdoor factors such as wind resistance, temperature, and humidity. This allows more focus on training, and treadmills can assist in setting pace, making running more stable and consistent.

4. Correct Running Posture: Running on a treadmill indoors allows the recording of running postures with the advantage of space. Video footage can be used to help correct and improve running postures.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: nortonrsx (Getty Images)
Image Source: Canva Photographer: nortonrsx (Getty Images)

Treadmill Running: Disadvantages

1. Limited Muscle Usage: Treadmill running, unlike outdoor running with diverse terrains, limits the engagement of different muscle groups. There can be uneven muscle development, especially in the anterior and posterior thighs, which may feel less smooth when transitioning back to outdoor running.

2. Difficulty in Interval Training: The main drawback of treadmill running is the challenge of conducting sprint training. Acceleration needs to be adjusted manually, and there's often a delay in machine response, making it less conducive to interval training.

3. Safety Risks in Motion: Running on an electric conveyor belt requires constant attention to stride frequency. During long-distance training, vigilance is necessary for maintaining stride frequency, as a lack of attention can lead to fatigue-induced falls and injuries.

4. Mental Fatigue: Treadmill running lacks the ever-changing outdoor scenery, which may lead to monotony, affecting the quality of training. While physical fitness is being developed, mental fatigue can set in, making the training process mentally challenging.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: nikom1234 (Getty Images)
Image Source: Canva Photographer: nikom1234 (Getty Images)

Preparing for Outdoor Running

If you enjoy running on the treadmill and want to experience outdoor running, what should you prepare?

Transitioning from treadmill running to outdoor running can initially bring a sense of "physical disparity" due to factors like wind resistance. Outdoor running is often more demanding, and in the early stages, the focus should be on enjoying the run, appreciating the outdoor scenery, and not putting too much pressure on yourself. Set goals based on perceived effort without a time limit to build physical confidence initially. Gradually, you can increase the training intensity.

Having running accessories can enhance the chances of successful outdoor running while ensuring safety:

➽ Bring headphones for music
Listening to music can provide motivation for longer outdoor runs and keep you inspired to continue.

Image Source: Bone RunTie 2
Learn more: Bone RunTie 2|Bone

➽ Use a phone armband
Carrying your phone outdoors allows you to stay connected and provides a safety net. In case of emergencies, having a phone with you can be crucial for calling for help.

Image Source: Bone RunTie 2
Image Source: Photographer Hou Guanyu, Bone RunTie 2 provides a secure way to carry your phone during runs.

➽ Wear a running belt
A waist belt can carry supplies (chocolates or salt tablets), allowing you to successfully complete long-distance training independently. It can also store an EasyCard for mid-run convenience store stops.

Image Source: Bone RunTie Belt
Image Source: Bone RunTie Belt allows you to carry essentials like salt tablets for long-distance runs.

Interested in Indoor Running? What to Prepare?

If you enjoy outdoor running and want to try treadmill running, what should you be mindful of?

When starting treadmill running, take some time to familiarize yourself with the machine's operation settings. Understand the location of start, pause, and speed control buttons, establishing a good rapport with the treadmill. Transitioning from the resistance-filled environment of outdoor running to treadmill running may feel slightly awkward initially. Start with a moderate speed setting like 5 or 7 as a foundation. Then, adjust the speed based on your normal outdoor running pace using the incremental or decremental keys to avoid starting with too fast a speed, which could lead to unexpected complications with the conveyor belt.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: gettysignature
Image Source: Canva Photographer: gettysignature

For individuals accustomed to outdoor running, it's recommended to adjust the treadmill incline to 2 or a higher level to simulate the uneven road surfaces and wind resistance encountered outdoors. Alternatively, one can use a "non-motorized treadmill" that relies solely on the runner's body weight and leg push to move the conveyor belt, providing a closer experience to self-propelled outdoor running.

Outdoor Running vs. Treadmill Running: Which is Better?

Both outdoor running and treadmill running have their respective advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on personal preferences and needs. The best exercise is the one that makes you the happiest. If you fall into one of the following categories, there might be a recommended mode of exercise for you:

1. For runners with race plans, outdoor running is recommended.
Since races take place outdoors, being familiar with outdoor running patterns and accustomed to the energy expenditure is advantageous for race preparation.

2. For beginners in running, treadmill running is recommended.
For those starting from a sedentary lifestyle, initiating running is a significant activation of the body's cells. Starting with the gentler treadmill helps in conditioning basic muscle groups. After establishing foundational fitness, transitioning to outdoor training, with its wind resistance and temperature variations, becomes more manageable.

Image Source: Canva Photographer: macniak
Image Source: Canva Photographer: macniak

3. For busy professionals, treadmill running is recommended.
If time is limited during workdays or when the weather is inclement, a treadmill provides a convenient option, less susceptible to disruptions in the workout routine.

4. For those aiming to lose weight through running, outdoor running is recommended.
Outdoor running burns more calories compared to treadmill running. Individuals seeking weight loss are advised to opt for outdoor running, as the aerobic fat-burning effects are more noticeable.

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