Relieve Stress? Relax? Homeostasis Maintaining the Inner Balance of Life, Cultivating Discipline and Flexibility in a Busy Information Age

Explore the scientific journey of internal self-regulation, unveiling the body's homeostatic mechanism for restoring balance. Embrace this innate capacity to reduce reliance on external stimuli and facilitate self-repair anytime, transcending the need for extended breaks or indulgent behaviors.

In the midst of a life overwhelmed by information and stress, how do you, dear readers, relieve stress for yourselves?
The author has heard friends talk about using activities like scrolling through phones, binge-watching shows, indulging in comfort eating, or impulsive shopping as a means to relax and unwind. However, sometimes these activities can inadvertently become addictive habits that are hard to quit.

Today, let the author introduce you to the concept of homeostasis from a scientific perspective. Our bodies have an internal self-regulating mechanism that helps us return to a state of balance, both physically and emotionally, when faced with stress. This can reduce the need to seek instant gratification through binge-watching, excessive shopping, overeating, and other external stimuli, which can lead to subsequent harm or feelings of guilt. Dear readers, you can engage in self-repair and self-care anytime!

nervous system
Through a scientific perspective, you can understand yourself and manage the pressures of life.

1. What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis, also known as internal balance or equilibrium, refers to the state of relative stability that organisms maintain within themselves.
Homeostasis allows homeothermic animals to expand the limits of environmental tolerance by maintaining stability in their internal environment, making them highly adaptable species. This is also why mammals dominate the Earth's ecosystems today.
Through the coordinated efforts of the nervous system, hormonal system, bodily fluids, immune system, and more, various organs work together to maintain a relatively constant internal environment, sustaining the characteristic of dynamic equilibrium.

The concept of homeostasis can be traced back to the 19th century French physiologist Claude Bernard, who first defined the significance of stability in the "internal environment" of living organisms. American physician L.J. Henderson (1879—1942) discovered the buffering effect of blood in the study of acid-base balance, providing a scientific basis for the stability of the internal environment from the perspective of bodily fluid balance. Concurrently, W.B. Cannon (1871—1945) proposed that the interaction between the nervous and endocrine systems achieves overall physiological regulation in the body. It was discovered during this period that the sympathetic nervous system plays a dominant role, essentially controlling other regulatory systems in the body.

2. What Causes the Familiar Stress?

Identifying stress begins with sensory reception. In ancient hunting times, our ancestors relied on sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to detect hidden dangers, like predators lurking amidst the rustling grass.
After sensory input, the amygdala in our brain interprets crisis presence based on past emotional experiences. When a crisis is sensed, an emergency response is triggered. The crisis signal then travels to the sympathetic nervous system, causing accelerated heartbeat, sweating, and muscle tension to cope with the concealed danger.

In today's era, while we no longer face life-threatening predators as in the jungle, our brain's alarm system still frequently activates to handle various situations resembling "life crises".
From minor incidents like a dropped object, looming work deadlines, passing supervisors, or private messages on our screens, to messages after a fallout with a close partner – these inner or external reactions are often referred to as being "hijacked by the amygdala".
Though the autonomic nervous system's response is essential for danger adaptation, modern life often keeps us in prolonged stress, potentially leading to autonomic imbalance and adverse effects on physical health, contributing to psychosomatic disorders.

Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system is divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The former promotes the "fight or flight" mode, while the latter promotes the "relax and recover" mode.

3. How to Return to Inner Homeostasis Balance

"Inner homeostasis" describes the process of self-regulation that maintains internal stability. Cannon proposed that stable internal environment is not achieved by isolating organisms from their surroundings, but rather through continuous regulation of various physiological processes within the body.
Through our senses, we can experience a sense of safety, which in turn allows us to switch to the parasympathetic nervous system of the autonomic nervous system, activating the body's relaxation and repair mechanisms.

Have you ever found yourself instinctively brewing a cup of coffee in the office pantry at 3 PM? Inhaling the aroma, hearing colleagues' casual conversations, and feeling the tension in your shoulders ease away. It's as if the worries of the workday are gradually subsiding. Alternatively, have you ever embraced a soft, childhood blanket? Unconsciously, the anxieties of the day begin to fade, your breath becomes steadier, and your expression softens?

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Similarly, for those who easily find a sense of security through visual and auditory experiences, paying attention to sensory experiences that bring you a feeling of security in life can also contribute to enhancing your internal sense of stability.

In the era of information explosion, maintaining internal stability is particularly important. It's not about suppressing through sheer willpower, but rather understanding the mechanisms of physiological functioning and the nervous system. By learning to establish your own sense of security, you can enhance your internal state of equilibrium. After experiencing imbalance, gradually return to a stable balance point and extend the duration of maintaining that balance point little by little. Through appropriate methods, we can maintain a flexible autonomic nervous system and better cope with the challenges of modern life, ensuring both physical and mental health.

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